Welcome to RAI of Hope Ministry

Jeremiah 29:11


  • To reach the ends of the earth by teaching, praying, encouraging and comforting through the word of God to all who are suffering or has suffered the loss of a child, spouse or love ones, and divorce. And to bring them to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.


  • To see grieving families receive peace, comfort, hope and restoration from God Almighty. That they in turn will testify of the goodness of God and proclaim His name and be an ambassador of God to others who are experiencing the same problems or whatever vision God gives you.


  • My name is Mai Zamba-Asamoah. I am from Sierra Leone, West Africa. I am a Registered Nurse by profession and hold a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree (RN-BSN), and have been a nurse for 11 years.
  • I have worked in different settings and held different positions but currently working as a hospice nurse case manager for the last few years. Within these role, I deal with death and dying on a daily basis, but I found peace and comfort knowing that  I am helping grieving families and friends as they mourn their love ones.
  • This role has helped me view life differently for the good, causing me to appreciate life more and cherish love ones, my patients and their families, and everyone I come across. This role is where I found my niche, and truly believes this is what I’m called to do in life.
  • I am now also a certified master life coach.

Why, NOW

  • All my adult years, I have found joy and peace in helping people, especially those who are broken-hearted, regardless of the situation/circumstances surrounding their grief; but didn’t act on it, due to fear of how people may receive it/me.
  • But after the death of my daughter, Angel Eyeram Asamoah at five months, 2 days gestation, I started feeling the strong urge to start a support group and or create a foundation to help other grieving mothers as well as others who have gone through various forms of pain/grief and or are going through different kinds of pain, hurt and the like.
  • Another motivating factor was the tender, loving care provided by the hospital staff but one staff that stood out the most is their women health navigator; this woman went above and beyond to make sure I was ok and did all she could to help me during the worst time of my life. That care, love, support is what I want every grieving mother to experience as I know what it did to me/my soul and how it contributed to the birth of this ministry.
  • This conviction led me to seek God more and asked Him if this is the path He wants me to purse and I got the answer from Him to go ahead, leaving all my fears and worries behind me, thus the birth of
  • ROHM- which stands for Rai-(as in rainbow) of Hope Ministry.
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A Certified Master life coach will listen to you and help you develop a personalized action plan.

Monday-Friday 9am-5pm ET

1-(540) 579 2169

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A grieving mother/parents.

Every day, Many in our area lose a Child, a family many or love one. Partner with us to help bring a Needed service to these families.